
4.2.20 - #corona2020 VI

Points of light share their grace in the dead of night
A backyard porch and empty streets, lonely cries
Asking stars if they’ve witnessed this story before
Have wonderous other worlds survived these plights
Are they twinkling to bless us with rays of hope
Telling us to hold tight, everything will be alright

I’m exhausted. First one to admit that I haven’t been sleeping. I haven’t been writing the past few days. We’re all struggling on the inside in these long, silent days. Filling the time with the things we probably would have done anyway, but gravity seems heavier on our shoulders now. We’re lucky, so far. My income is still stable for now, but we’ve taken a hit. Every trip to the grocery store, I’m wondering if I should bring a mask. I don’t have a good one yet, and I keep my distance. The lines are long, the toiletries are gone.
J has had to sleep on the couch to keep the triggers from being bad, something we’re hoping the new scripts take care of. But the adjustment is awful. My own scripts… I don’t know how well they’re working. Still takes me forever to fall asleep, even in bed. I don’t know if it’s a comfort or a shared sadness that I know I’m not the only one.
So I turn on an app that plays the sounds of rain and storms. I miss her, it sucks sleeping alone.
A year ago, I took the bandages off the staples in my knee, after the blowout. I posted a recovery picture and thought maybe put it here, because why not. I’m still writing, I’ll get back to it. Between GR and Robyn (still need a better title), I’ve got plenty I can do.
Yoga, elastic bands, and the recumbent bike have helped, but I haven’t done it consistently.

Lookout, the picture is kind of brutal. I’ve probably got 60% of function back, but the strength is just… gone. 30 pounds of weight loss probably included a lot of atrophy. Hopefully this year is the year I get the strength back.


Outside, the deck is frosted over and slick
I was already numb before I slid across it
Haven’t felt warm enough to smile in years
The house is falling apart but it’s a rental
Breaking down slowly in a borrowed body
Dreaming of another path I can’t see
Through tangled, thorny, weeds and trees
Five years of writing that no one ever reads


It’s been a while but that’s what happens when the 8-to-5 puts you in a panic attack that has you screaming for your wife to call 911 because you’re sure you’re dying and the only way to keep living is to not say the words-
“I don’t exist.”
When you’re that fragile and the thought of going back into a room to do the same job the next day makes you wonder if it isn’t worth it to continue existing, that maybe it’s better if your heart did give out-
”Something has to change.”
It can’t be more of the same, this career isn’t for me anymore. Maybe it’s an impossible job. We lose teachers midway through the year, they just walk out the door and don’t come back and I stay, thinking-
”Why am I envious?”
So it’s time. I’ve never been more scared, anxious, or afraid of what’s to come because I simply don’t know where I belong in the working world. I want to write, I know that, and I work daily, but it’s still just a dream-
”What do I do now?”
Job applications are going in for things outside my current career, things I think I can do and do well. It’ll take time for things to fall into place and thank the universe for my blessed wife who is endlessly supportive-
”We’ll figure it out together.”
I know I’m not the only one and it hurts. My mentor went to the hospital thinking he had a heart attack, it was anxiety as well. Everyone is afraid of what is going to happen day in and day out and that’s no way to work-
”This is happening everywhere.”
How do we sound the alarm, that something is seriously wrong with schools, students, and the relationships between parents, administrators, and teachers? No one listens and it seems like it can only get worse-
”Until the pendulum swings.”
I know what I think the answers are, and I firmly believe education is the most important career anyone can pursue, but at the same time, one of my former kids told me I’m why she’s going into teaching-
”Oh God no, don’t do that.”
I’ve got former students, now in college, that come by because they’re working through serious trauma and somehow this household is a safe space for them. My wife, a former victim of abuse, is amazing-
”We’ll get through this.”
To fix education? We’d need a drastic change of understanding. The popular mentality is to provide excellent customer service like we’re selling a Buick or a set of stainless steel knives.
”The customer is not always right.”
But who dares to tell the people in charge that education is like healthcare. There’s going to be hard news that has to be told. Sometimes the medicine is brutal, and sometimes the patients don’t make it-
”But the truth is harder than lies.”
Until that realization takes hold nationwide, education will be a broken system, with solutions that only break it further by treating the symptoms and not the cause because we can’t say things like-
”You have to be a better parent.”
”You have to say no.”
”You have to let consequences play out.”
But who wants to hear that? I want to say it because it’s what needs to be said, not because it’s easy, but because it’s right and true and the more we placate, the worse things get.
”I just want to see you succeed.”
And I just want to succeed but I don’t think I can do it here. The question is where, how, when? And will I make it long enough to find that joy again?
”The hard phone calls tomorrow.”
One to a parent to own my mistakes, one to a therapist to set up an appointment. And one to a psychiatrist to start attacking this lifelong anxiety and sadness that I can’t seem to shake free from.
”It’s time to change, and that starts with me.”
If I can’t change the world, I can at least try to change me. There’s a Writer’s Conference in May to prep for. At least I’ll start putting myself out there. It’s time to come out of that cocoon of anonymity and find out-
”Do I have anything to offer?”


sixth draft finished
hand-written notes
in margins, in purple
filled binder, in hopes


a kid threw a desk today
I pointed out he was mad
he made another kid sad
because they were fat and slow
asked him why and he blamed
everyone else, even the victim
so he flipped a table instead
of asking himself why am I