
2.20.21 - Perseverance and Pathogen

Jailed for preaching the gospel of Aristarchus
Galileo’s agnostic legacy tarnished as heresy
Digital bits mined from spilled blood of prophets
Gambling, not pot, legalized by Wall Street

Scientists gained control of Mars this week
In an alien lake, our machines dig deep
Ancient truths sleep, hidden far below
But, Republicans broke Texas with snow

Oil banks blamed a few windmills frozen
Snake-charmed by Don Quixote’s poison
Inoculated against scientific truth, prose, or
Earth’s omens- tempests, a decade before

Neil’s moon-dust Apollo boots exhumed
For blind Inquisition in evangelic Senate
What holy wars await behind golden doors
If NASA finds signs of ancient life on Mars

1.6.21 - Sue Infamy

Glass broken in a thousand fallen shards 
Grey matter shattered by false Red hats 
Fates heard these drums beat, once anon 
Over distant lands and other gory shores 
Maws that guzzled up corn syrup, not history 
Gleeful greed-fattened hearts unfurled Rome 
Hate wraps words on bricks flung with fervor 
Before crumbling hospitals close their doors 
Pasty dissonance so loud the towers tremble 
While Privileged fan fires, led by Denier's guilt 
Cities burn, while heavy clouds refuse to weep,  
Apollyon’s mad mouth sewn chaos now reaps

8.20.20 - Pandemic Sonnet #1

Hot rain pounded on square, concrete tombs
Our opinions overrode data, famous last words
For single-pained souls across a gasping globe
In empty classrooms, ghosts talked to screens
Smiled and pretended that everything was clean
Science toiled cures, scrubs-clad martyrs screamed
Scholars silenced, pleaded safety not guaranteed
Wise words twisted, gathering dust on toxic pulpits
Whilst pious, fat hypocrites proudly flouted lessons writ
In their treasured, leatherbound, ancient moral scripts
Pride becameth Fall for faithless worshipping a Con’s greed
Falsely-winged devout demanded sacrifice, so blinded
They offered up children to a righteous Death Cult idol
Blame for self-evident sins falls upon poisoned, Holy men

*notes and such
Two lines I liked but couldn’t figure out how to tweak and use. I still think this needs some re-arranging, but it needs to get out of my head for a while.

Omens in six-foot deep ends justified by green means
Foreshadowed in testing, autopsies backdated two weeks,

4.2.20 - #corona2020 VI

Points of light share their grace in the dead of night
A backyard porch and empty streets, lonely cries
Asking stars if they’ve witnessed this story before
Have wonderous other worlds survived these plights
Are they twinkling to bless us with rays of hope
Telling us to hold tight, everything will be alright

I’m exhausted. First one to admit that I haven’t been sleeping. I haven’t been writing the past few days. We’re all struggling on the inside in these long, silent days. Filling the time with the things we probably would have done anyway, but gravity seems heavier on our shoulders now. We’re lucky, so far. My income is still stable for now, but we’ve taken a hit. Every trip to the grocery store, I’m wondering if I should bring a mask. I don’t have a good one yet, and I keep my distance. The lines are long, the toiletries are gone.
J has had to sleep on the couch to keep the triggers from being bad, something we’re hoping the new scripts take care of. But the adjustment is awful. My own scripts… I don’t know how well they’re working. Still takes me forever to fall asleep, even in bed. I don’t know if it’s a comfort or a shared sadness that I know I’m not the only one.
So I turn on an app that plays the sounds of rain and storms. I miss her, it sucks sleeping alone.
A year ago, I took the bandages off the staples in my knee, after the blowout. I posted a recovery picture and thought maybe put it here, because why not. I’m still writing, I’ll get back to it. Between GR and Robyn (still need a better title), I’ve got plenty I can do.
Yoga, elastic bands, and the recumbent bike have helped, but I haven’t done it consistently.

Lookout, the picture is kind of brutal. I’ve probably got 60% of function back, but the strength is just… gone. 30 pounds of weight loss probably included a lot of atrophy. Hopefully this year is the year I get the strength back.