

We look forward to the house being full of food and noise
Then there’s so much food and so much noise that we
Wonder if we accomplished something crazy or did okay
A lesson in teamwork and grinding through rough days
It seems everything happens so fast and then we wait
For another shoe to drop, the next big thing to change
A room is empty, useless without someone to fill it
We have to learn to let go and hope beyond hope
That we’ll all be okay and we can make it on our own
Hoping one day we’ll again make a house our home


Your dog once saved my life one night
I’d lost a piece of hope, lost a simple dream
He sat next to me and nudged my hand
Pat on the head, a simple connection
I wish y’all didn’t have to leave
But we grow on and dogs get gray
We’ve lived a lifetime like old hens
Go and live well, a pat on the head
It’s both beginnings and ends


There’s a whole lot of quit in you
Success isn’t instant after all
Without a goal, there is no endgame
Years ahead, where do you see you
How hard will you toil without notice
Without recognition, alone, anxious
Grind is a belief in the self and the trust
That walls are mental only, easily broken


Teachers I love leave the classroom
Faster than the desks falling apart
Administration cowers to lying parents
Natural consequences be damned
We, the teachers, have no one watching
Our backs, besides each other, anymore
There’s no point in staying on to see how
Bad it will get, there’s no place for me