Every little moment of our tired lives
Straining against the seatbelt’s grip
Controlled every moment, don’t slip
Let go, let go, love and move on
Realize you aren’t anyone’s care
And hope they love forever long
Leave only peace and joy, all song
One broken heart can’t all go wrong
7.29.21 - Handle With Care
We’re all a little bit broken, from time to time
When the bad days stack up, like the dimes
We don’t have to pay the bills, we stay behind
Wishing for a break, praying for peace of mind
Anxiety rings louder when another bill arrears
And we dig our way out or dig down, deeper
All hearts beat, despite daggers of despair
Always, dearest remind me, handle with care
3.18.21 - Thought Experiment #2
Watched a YouTube video in VR about exoplanets. Only regret is I did not find it sooner. Trappiste-1e, standing on the surface, looking at rocky stalactites that curve up out of the planet’s surface like teeth. Above, an emerald borealis, reaches up to the true depths of space. A red star, larger and closer than the moon, filled the valley with a ruby-hint of light. Other bright, colorful orbs passed around, like marbles swirling down a slow cosmic drain.
Forty light years away.
But, when describing how exoplanets are theoretically formed, one of them said something odd. “We aren’t really sure what determines whether or not two large asteroids, stick together or not when they collide.”
There was a graphic of a star casting a golden hue over a wide, glistening asteroid belt. Some larger rocks cast shadows on others, like skaters dancing across a spinning disc of ice. I thought about it. What if it is not random, but just the odds of certain conditions?
Two asteroids must be on a certain path, to collide right before they pass under the shadow of something else, like a more inner planet. Depending on the difference in temperature under the shadow, the asteroids might warm up under starlight, enough for their core materials to get ‘sticky,’ and then they collide under the shadow once they start to refreeze. Just the right time, and gentle enough difference in speed, they fuse together. Happens enough times you get ten kilometers wide rock, which I read was the minimum size required to create a gravity well. They pull in more rocks; over time it snowballs. Boom, protoplanet.
But I confess, my knowledge is limited. I just like looking at the stars. I will have to research further. God, why does that sound like fun?
If we could chart the debris path of some asteroids passing in the shadow of something, I wonder if it could be proven? Or at least predicted.
The plan, or part of it, this summer, is to spend the days reading, writing, and working out. Get back to my core. Reading list below looks good.
The VR video is below.
Take a Virtual Reality tour of six REAL exoplanets (4K, 360° VR experience) | We The Curious
1.14.21 - The Land of COVID and Insurrection
Recalled fragments, thought by spider thread
An anxious cursor blinks, retyped a dozen times
NRP echoes unread love letters ‘tween tense
Headlines that dim a frigid sky soon and sooner
The oven never heats, yet it spews sour flame
Pizzas burned in minutes or never thawed.
Woken from a cold dusk haze by bell tones
From one masked, forced smile to another
Twelve more minutes on a cracked screen timer
Fifty degrees higher, listen to the hollow hiss
Who was within six feet for fifteen minutes
Thirty six hours past. Fear, yet hope, for fire
1.13.21 - On Consequence
A week later and we’re all still here
Witness to ruin, result of abject fear
Not of pillars and glass concrete domes
But men, by their own actions, undone
Lives splayed open, shame bared raw
Hastily scribed epitaphs in digital scrawls
Weep not for seditionists betrayed fall
Accountability over divisiveness, for all