

‘Teacher Shortage’ is a misnomer
We’re burned out and giving up
When admin doesn’t back us
Because parents scare them
And the county only worries
About going viral and lawsuits
Meanwhile, the kids don’t believe
That natural consequences exist
Why should they, when leaders
Get away with murder, live on TV


We all change, time sees to that
We lose parts along the way
In war those we love the most
Don’t always come home again.


Doubt lingers like dead weight
Heavy, cracking the ribs
Shaking an taped together heart

Will you be there
Will you be real
Will you tell me
It’s okay to feel

If you’re here now then be here
Get rid of all the noise
You promised it’d be just us
You promised a lot
I’m afraid to ask
How many you broke
Along the way
Is it better to know
Or not know
I’ve never been good
At sticking my head
In the sand

So many questions I don’t want to ask


Ten days until
a new countdown
of degrees
of rings
of jobs
of houses
of anniversaries

Reading drunk thoughts is hella easy

I’ll try to sleep tonight
Without you it’s hard
To remember to close
My eyes and try

“Your decision.  Are you better than your master would have been to you?” 

There’s wild things in the seas
As alien as you and me
The stars are the same
Full of dreams far away

We all change.  Time time sees to that


A staggering lunacy goes out to rubbish “Build-the-wall”-ers
Drinking margaritas while kind innocent immigrants brace
For what will happen when cinco drinks becomes seis

“If Carrion finds out, they’ll kill us and scrap it.  That kind of ship needs a good name.” 

Tell me of another love, of another way of living
That would mean more than this
Because I can’t think of one

From his perspective it was a good play.  He doesn’t know what we know.  The math tells me we need him.  My feelings don’t matter.”

You’ll be okay someday
Everyone hates it
But everyone says it

“One day, hopefully ages from now, these walls will collapse and be rebuilt “

Learn a lot by listening and watching
Take it in silent as the morning snow
Reflect on views from many eyes
Try to understand truth and lies

“Oh, I don’t like you. I don’t trust you.  But there’s a war coming that makes both statements irrelevant.” 

I’ll love you ‘till the end of time
Dreaming of your arms in mine

Sol is an elderly relative the family wants to kill off