
4.16.21 - Diets of Distraction

Rome was not burned in a day
It suffered an agonizing decay
Pillars raised in golden streets
Finery and art, exquisite treats
Fattened off the backs of masses
Blind prophets cried of salvation
Wastewater wage middle classes
Starved, practicing diets of distraction

2.20.21 - Perseverance and Pathogen

Jailed for preaching the gospel of Aristarchus
Galileo’s agnostic legacy tarnished as heresy
Digital bits mined from spilled blood of prophets
Gambling, not pot, legalized by Wall Street

Scientists gained control of Mars this week
In an alien lake, our machines dig deep
Ancient truths sleep, hidden far below
But, Republicans broke Texas with snow

Oil banks blamed a few windmills frozen
Snake-charmed by Don Quixote’s poison
Inoculated against scientific truth, prose, or
Earth’s omens- tempests, a decade before

Neil’s moon-dust Apollo boots exhumed
For blind Inquisition in evangelic Senate
What holy wars await behind golden doors
If NASA finds signs of ancient life on Mars

1.13.21 - On Consequence

A week later and we’re all still here 
Witness to ruin, result of abject fear 
Not of pillars and glass concrete domes 
But men, by their own actions, undone 


Lives splayed open, shame bared raw 
Hastily scribed epitaphs in digital scrawls 
Weep not for seditionists betrayed fall 
Accountability over divisiveness, for all

1.6.21 - Sue Infamy

Glass broken in a thousand fallen shards 
Grey matter shattered by false Red hats 
Fates heard these drums beat, once anon 
Over distant lands and other gory shores 
Maws that guzzled up corn syrup, not history 
Gleeful greed-fattened hearts unfurled Rome 
Hate wraps words on bricks flung with fervor 
Before crumbling hospitals close their doors 
Pasty dissonance so loud the towers tremble 
While Privileged fan fires, led by Denier's guilt 
Cities burn, while heavy clouds refuse to weep,  
Apollyon’s mad mouth sewn chaos now reaps