1.14.21 - The Land of COVID and Insurrection 

Recalled fragments, thought by spider thread 
An anxious cursor blinks, retyped a dozen times 
NRP echoes unread love letters ‘tween tense 
Headlines that dim a frigid sky soon and sooner

The oven never heats, yet it spews sour flame 
Pizzas burned in minutes or never thawed. 
Woken from a cold dusk haze by bell tones 
From one masked, forced smile to another

Twelve more minutes on a cracked screen timer 
Fifty degrees higher, listen to the hollow hiss 
Who was within six feet for fifteen minutes 
Thirty six hours past. Fear, yet hope, for fire 

1.13.21 - On Consequence

A week later and we’re all still here 
Witness to ruin, result of abject fear 
Not of pillars and glass concrete domes 
But men, by their own actions, undone 


Lives splayed open, shame bared raw 
Hastily scribed epitaphs in digital scrawls 
Weep not for seditionists betrayed fall 
Accountability over divisiveness, for all

1.6.21 - Sue Infamy

Glass broken in a thousand fallen shards 
Grey matter shattered by false Red hats 
Fates heard these drums beat, once anon 
Over distant lands and other gory shores 
Maws that guzzled up corn syrup, not history 
Gleeful greed-fattened hearts unfurled Rome 
Hate wraps words on bricks flung with fervor 
Before crumbling hospitals close their doors 
Pasty dissonance so loud the towers tremble 
While Privileged fan fires, led by Denier's guilt 
Cities burn, while heavy clouds refuse to weep,  
Apollyon’s mad mouth sewn chaos now reaps

12.17.20 - Pandemic Poetry #3

Made up stories to keep warm countless nights, wasted lives slinking into other skin, 
All grown men, turns out, are really, still just boys dreaming of being a race car driver. 
We look for ways to distract ourselves from these cold grey days, walling ourselves in 
Frozen lakes of silenced quarantined promise, praying this spring thaw will revive her. 

9.4.20 - letters without addresses #1

Hey there, Psyche. Damn, I know it’s been forever 
Decades passed in silence, then only a shitty letter 
Though they say an asshole never really recovers 
This ass hopes you found far better friends and lovers  
Whisky brown hair, brilliant smile, the fairest blue eyes 
Sharper and brighter than all the stars in Southern skies 
Just one second, this ain't one of them pining love songs 
More a long-waiting tattered lists of souls I’ve done wrong 
One bad night, drunkenly convinced I’d been strung along 
I became another toxic creep, another entitled hard-on
Flashes of trembling hands, tears took up shop in my head  
But I blacked out enough to not remember what all I said
 When really you needed a best friend, not a jealous loser 
Instead, I walked away, wanting only to not exist to you 
It’s been years since then, paid in therapy reckonings
Took a while to learn, romance starts by looking within  
But still, what’s worse, digging up the past or living lies 
What hurts, late-offered amends or broken goodbyes 
For a victim, how long makes it too late to apologize? 
Male-privileged obsession is just intimidation in disguise  
So, years later, here’s the truth that only matters now 
The important thing I hope I one day get to say to you 
If allowed, I have random chance and courage to do 
Psyche, you deserved better than I ever gave to you  
My selfish words and actions burned our bridges 
There aren’t any good reasons you should forgive 
’Sides, justifying turns into gaslighting before long 
I’ll move along, just sorry that I hurt you. I was wrong