There was another blog here. It wasn't any good. This ideally will be more focused. Probably, hopefully, years before anyone actually finds it. I once had a blog, long time ago. Maybe this part is the continuation of that.
This is the point in my life I get serious about writing. I may be absolute shit at it. I may be absolutely delusional to think I have one story anyone would want to read.
I'm 34, and finally want more. There are all these amazing stories coming out in video and text format. I just want to tell one that people will want to read, maybe see. Maybe it's a sci fi saga about society and consequence, maybe it's a YA novel about cars and growing up... maybe it's absolute crap, a kind of fanfiction-trite homage to all the stories I've loved growing up, and there have been many.
I hope I finish this. I've been holding it in for so long. I don't know why I've been waiting.
My goal is to have a first full draft finished by this time next year. Not a publishable draft, but at least something I can get sourced out for people to read.
This will serve as some kind of outlet, hopefully to get momentum moving to transition over to drafting, so when I'm here, typically I'm coming into or going out of the story... if that makes sense.
Maybe this is a stupid dream. I might be waisting my time. I want to see if I can succeed at something, maybe that's even just finishing the draft. I've never been good with long-term commitments... in my head anyway. I've owned one car over twenty years now, had the same roommates and day job for almost a decade.
We're all good people. But it's like all three of us have been waiting our lives away. Maybe... and this might be foolish, but maybe this is our way out. Maybe I have a good story inside me that someone would publish, someone would buy. I could find some momentum, pull them along with me. Our lives aren't bad. We're quite lucky, yet there's this emptiness.
Different backstories, same result. We're all here, now what do we do about it?
So I'll write. I bounce between nothing to say and everything to say. Whatever it is, I hope it is substantial and constructive.
I want to find out if I can finish what I start.